Here's some facts about me:
-I am 19 yrs old.
-I am Viet/Chinese.
-I live in Hawaii with my mom and sister..BLAH XD
-I go to college and work part time.. the usual.
I really feel like my life needs something. I want to get off this island for college but i know financially it'll be hard. When I go on facebook and see my friends in the mainland college having fun, it makes me feel sad. I want to break free from my daily routine but Hawaii is so boring. I'm not a beach go-er and I don't care for tanning. So basically its either going to the movies or bowling which costs money. LIFE HERE IS BORING.
Some perks to my life are my friends.
All of them are unique in their own way. We call ourselves the gangbang. In highschool, people knew our group as that. Of course there's the typical girly girly (not me), or the person that everybody dogs on. We all rely on each other and its not a group unless all of us are there.
Then there's my boyfriend. Aww i love him so much. We've been going out for over a year and he treats me like a princess. He's the type of person where HE's the one that could deserve someone much better than me. I have to admit that the little things bother me but the little things also can make me really happy. Its a funny story cuz he liked me in highschool. I really didnt like him and would tease him so much. Never would I think I would like him or let alone date him. Fortunately I gave him a chance and we've been together ever since.
I am currently obsessed with korean entertainment forums. I plan to take Korean next semester and hopefully study abroad there. I'm also in love with the Korean group BIG BANG. check out their video!
I also like to hit up on the OHNOTHEYDIDNT forum. seriously this is the best forum, better than perez hilton's one. It's freakin hilarious.
*note to self* stop caring for the media.
1 comment:
Omgosh its Johnny :)
I miss that guy,!
You and him are too cute.
Thanks for the follow btw :D LOL
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